For the whole academic year 2014/2015, the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 1 Brebes are obliged to:

1. Come on time..Being late for 15 minutes gives consequence to explain the reason in the target language,

2. Possess English textbook..The book can be obtained by buying it at 'KOPSIS' or bookstores, borrowing from the seniors or friends or copying certain parts of the following materials,

3. Submit English assignments/projects/tasks punctually..Late submission is prohibited and uncredited,

4. Do the test honestly..no cheating, no copying the others' work, no discussing, no using any electronic devices, no doing anything suspiciously, and

5. Be ready for remedial test if the previous test results less than the passing grade..Bring the previous test answer sheet signed by parents.



Ms. Rini's Agenda during Holiday Season

December 2012

First Week : 
Observing the enrollment of the final semester test (UAS 1) at SMA Negeri 1 Brebes, including the copies of test materials.
Preparing for the listening comprehension section.
Checking the tenth graders' English exam.
Classifying some students whose score less than KKM (passing grade) to have remedial test.
Informing the students' temporary assessment by uploading the result on the Internet.
On the weekend day, checking the progress of AKBID YPBHK Brebes building at Janegara - Jatibarang, Brebes.

Second Week :
Being a judge for English speech contest for the class meeting with the result:
    The winner                  : Pinka Mutiara F.
    The first runner up      : Noer Rizky
    The second runner up : Rizki Abdul Azis
Retesting some students with score less than 75 at school and calculating the result.
Signing Ridia Play Group (RPG) Brebes students' report book.
Teaching some students at LKP Global Lingua Brebes, namely: Maharyo & Ilham.
Visiting BKD (Badan Kepegawaian Daerah) Kabupaten Brebes to withdraw Surat Izin Penggunaan Gelar M.Hum. according to civil servant regulation.

Third Week   :
Date 15 to 17 :
having SMANSABES recreation to farewell Mr. Drs. Rofii, Bc.Hk., M.Pd. as headmaster, Mrs. Mardiningsih, S.Pd. as retired Economics teacher, Mr. Suchaemi as retired head of administrative matters, Mr. Drs. Tri Mardjoko as future retired Chemistry teacher and Mrs. Sri Yatni J., S.Pd. as future retired Guidance and Counseling teacher.  The recreation took place in Nusantara Flower Park, Puncak, Safari Park Cisarua Bogor and ITC Mangga Dua Jakarta.

Date 18 :
being well prepared to have technical meeting how to judge an English speech contest for UPS-ers at 11 am with Ms. Dahlia, M.Pd. (a lecturer for Panca Sakti University Tegal), Ms. Louisa (a volunteer from Germany) and Ms. Fia (an English lecturer for Poltek Diklat Transportasi Darat Tegal).

Date 19 : 
teaching the students of Class XII IPA 4 and XII IPA 5 for national exam preparation.

Date 20 to 21 :
* being well prepared to have comparative study journey to visit some prospective courses in Solo conducted by HIPKI (Himpunan Pemilik dan Pengelola Kursus Indonesia) Kabupaten Brebes.  The courses being visited were :
  1. LKP ELC and ELC Kids Play Group in Sukoharjo 
  2. LKP Amalia Sukoharjo
  3. LKP Putra Perwira Karanganyar
  4. LKP Citra Medika Solo
  5. LKP Istibank - Graha Wisata Solo 

Judges left to right: Ms. Louisa, Ms. Fia, me and Ms. Dahlia

Date 22 :
* the D-Day for English Speech Contest for UPS-ers 2012 held by the committee of English Education Study Program Students at Panca Sakti University Tegal.
* attending workshop how to develop and maintain courses in Brebes Regency presented by Dr. Kastum, M.Pd. (staff of minister of education and culture concentrating on preschool, non formal and informal education) held at LKP LP3B College Sitanggal - Brebes.

Date 23 :
attending reunion of SMANSABES 97-ers at Riez Hotel Tegal and getting donation for about Rp 850,000 to support some unfortunate students at SMA Negeri 1 Brebes keep continuing their study.


Nilai Bahasa Inggris Kelas X UAS 1 TP. 2012/2013

Silakan unduh Daftar Nilai Sementara Teori dan Praktek dari Kelas X-1 s.d. X-7 SMA Negeri 1 Brebes selama Semester 1 (termasuk Nilai Ulangan Harian, Remidi, Tugas, Praktek Mendengarkan, Berbicara, Membaca, dan Menulis) melalui:
Untuk Nilai Teori
Untuk Nilai Praktek
Nilai LHB Sementara
(Catatan : sebelum dapat diunduh, Anda diminta untuk registrasi akun oleh ofisial www.4shared.com)


It's Bagas Style ^_^

I'm a police officer with my patrol car & I'm on duty!

Mobil Bapak Didit : Lovely Toyota Rush!
Mobil Bu Ni : Smashing Toyota Avanza!
Smiley Bagas...totally love it!



Berdiri (ki-ka): Yasya, Eka Vela, Anisa/Rara, Ms. Rini, Bu Ekawati, Adinda, Ayu, Sofia, Nabila
Duduk (ki-ka): Visna, Malik, Hana, Arif, Nurrochman sedangkan Ekmal di mana ya???

Tim Lomba Debat Berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia Tingkat SMA/SMK Kabupaten Brebes 2012 yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Brebes
Rabu, 12 September 2012
SMA Negeri 1 Bulakamba
Tim Debat Berbahasa Inggris SMA Negeri 1 Brebes:
1.  Malik Nur Halilintar (Kelas X-1)
2.  Nabila                          (Kelas XI IPA 1)
3.  Eka Vela Katina         (Kelas XI IPA 2)
Tim Debat Berbahasa Indonesia SMA Negeri 1 Brebes (Kelas XI IPA 3):
1.  Hana Triana
2.  Arif
3.  M. Nurrochman
Pada penyisihan Grup A, SMA Negeri 1 Brebes keluar sebagai Juara Grup.  Pada babak semifinal bertemu dengan SMA (RSBI) Negeri 2 Brebes.  Sayangnya, tim debat SMANSABES tersisih sehingga menempati posisi sebagai Juara III Debat Berbahasa Inggris SMA/SMK tingkat Kabupaten Brebes tahun 2012.  Meskipun demikian, Nabila berhasil meraih gelar the Best Speaker.  Posisi yang sama juga terjadi pada tim debat berbahasa Indonesia.

Berdiri (Si Tong) dari kiri ke kanan: Diza, Rizki, BangkitDuduk (Si Nok) dari kiri ke kanan: Eka Trisna, Delvy, Yusi

Lomba Si Nok Si Tong Kabupaten Brebes 2012 yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Brebes.  Tim SMA Negeri 1 Brebes berhasil menempatkan 5 (lima) dari 6 (enam) orang wakilnya di putaran final.  Sabtu, 22 September 2012 di Pendopo Kabupaten Brebes.

Si Nok Brebes 2012
1.  Delvyana                       (Juara III)
2.  Eka Trisna Rahayu      (Juara Harapan I)
3.  Yusi Safitri                    (Juara Harapan II)
Si Tong Brebes 2012
1.  Muh. Bangkit Pamuji  (Juara III)
2.  Rizki Budi Pradana     (Juara Harapan I)
3.  Diza Setya P.

Lomba Cerdas Cermat (LCC), Lukis Poster dan Performing Arts tentang Perpajakan 2012
Selasa, 2 Oktober 2012
Kantor Perpajakan Tegal
Untuk LCC dan Lukis Poster, tim SMA Negeri 1 Brebes belum beruntung membawa pulang piala.
Hal tersebut terobati dengan tampilnya tim Performing Arts SMA Negeri 1 Brebes sebagai Juara I dengan menyisihkan tim dari SMA Negeri 1 Slawi (Juara II) dan SMK Negeri 1 Slawi (Juara III) yang merupakan RSBI.  Sehingga berhak mewakili eks-Karesidenan Pekalongan di tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Lomba Pidato Berbahasa Indonesia tentang Bahaya Merokok tingkat Kecamatan Brebes 2012
Rabu, 3 Oktober 2012
Juara I   : Malik Nur Halilintar (SMA Negeri 1 Brebes / Kelas X-1)
Juara II : Hana Triana              (SMA Negeri 1 Brebes / Kelas XI IPA 3)
Juara III  : Perwakilan dari SMA Negeri 3 Brebes


Recount: Diary Writing Assignment during Lebaran Holiday 2012

Dear Tenth Graders,

Pay attention to the social function of recount text which is to retell someone's past experience through a sequence of events.  You need to write your own experience or activity started from 13 to 26 August 2012 daily for two weeks.  Use the past form sentences.

The text organization of the text is:
  1. Orientation     : shows the beginning of recount text by introducing who (the person), where (place), and when (time) the real incidents happened in the past.
  2. Events            : shows the incidents in order.
  3. Reorientation : describes the atmosphere at the end of text through the person's impression.

Well, students... I'll be waiting for your assignment work at school after holiday...


Pencegahan HIV-AIDS

Silakan unduh file yang membahas bahaya dan pencegahan menularnya virus HIV dan penyakit AIDS berikut ini:

Tujuannya adalah agar para remaja dapat menambah pengetahuan dan terhindar dari dampak negatif akibat perilaku sosial/pergaulan yang tidak sesuai dengan norma agama dan masyarakat.  Semoga bermanfaat.


Nilai Bahasa Inggris UKK TP 2011/2012

Silakan unduh Daftar Nilai Sementara Teori dan Praktek dari Kelas X-1 s.d. X-7 SMA Negeri 1 Brebes selama Semester 2 (termasuk Nilai Ulangan Harian, Remidi, Tugas, Praktek Mendengarkan, Berbicara, Membaca, dan Menulis) melalui:
(Catatan : sebelum dapat diunduh, Anda diminta untuk registrasi akun oleh ofisial www.4shared.com)


Bagas is singing an English song...

Head, shoulders, knees and toes...knees and toes 2x
My eyes, my ears, my nose, my mouth
Head, shoulders, knees and toes...knees and toes :D

Inspiring Words

Inspiring Words
by UNDIP Rector on Graduation Day in Oct 2011

My Master Diploma

My Master Diploma
Being an M.Hum. Scholar :D