For the whole academic year 2014/2015, the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 1 Brebes are obliged to:

1. Come on time..Being late for 15 minutes gives consequence to explain the reason in the target language,

2. Possess English textbook..The book can be obtained by buying it at 'KOPSIS' or bookstores, borrowing from the seniors or friends or copying certain parts of the following materials,

3. Submit English assignments/projects/tasks punctually..Late submission is prohibited and uncredited,

4. Do the test honestly..no cheating, no copying the others' work, no discussing, no using any electronic devices, no doing anything suspiciously, and

5. Be ready for remedial test if the previous test results less than the passing grade..Bring the previous test answer sheet signed by parents.



English Assignment on May 18, 2010

Dear my beloved 10th grade students,

Since my being not able to come on this Tuesday, I would like to ask you try to create your own short stories of romance.  Make it in 100 words.  Submitted at the end of the English class by sending it on my email.
Thank you.  :)

Ms. Rini

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